WHEN was the last time you wished you could travel more, possibly to some exotic place, an island perhaps with sun and sand?



WHEN was the last time you wished you could purchase that new home or new car or boat?

WHEN was the last time you wished you had an easier job or more time to spend with the kids?

WHEN was the last time you wished you had more energy to do the things you would really like to do?

WHEN was the last time you wished you just felt better than you do now? WHEN? WHEN? WHEN?

If you are looking for a change, may we introduce you to the WHEN CONCEPT, or the Wealth and Health Empowerment Network.

WEALTH : a great amount of accumulated money, precious possesions and property. The aggregate of all things which contribute to comfort and enjoyment (or financially speaking, the ability to do what you like when you like).

HEALTH : a state of optimal physical, mental and social well-being where all the cells, tissues, organs and systems in the body are functioning at 100% all the time. It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmities (or from a health perspective, the ability to do what you like when you like).

EMPOWERMENT : to give authority to; to give the means, ability or opportunity to do. The grant of authority. (Authority; Permission, Right to exercise powers.)

NETWORK : a group of things or people that are linked or interconnected.

The WEALTH and HEALTH EMPOWERMENT NETWORK is a group of like minded individuals who work together to support each other in obtaining better health and better wealth, for themselves, their families and communities.

If you would like to participate in our Wealth & Health Empowerment Network Educational Program, simply send us your email address and you will be included in our weekly emailings.  You may also access all the past lessons by clicking on the Master Table of Contents below.

Master Table of Contents