What You Don’t Know…

Can Kill You!!




Find out, in this exclusive report, how you can keep your loved ones and yourself as safe as possible during this time of great threat that we all, as Americans, face today.


In this report, you’ll discover:


Ø The facts and the myths about bio-terrorism,

Ø What you must do, right now, today, and every day for the rest of your life, to acquire the best possible protection for you and your family,

Ø The only licensed doctor that can help your body to build a wall of defense,

Ø Vaccinations; which ones to consider and which ones to avoid at all costs!


Don’t put this down until you’ve read it through and through… your life could depend on it!


As bad as the tragedy of September 11, 2001 was, the one thing that griped all of us with fear  was  Anthrax… Smallpox… bottom line - was BIO-TERRORISM! 


BIO-TERORISM can rear its ugly head in big cities, little towns, at the shopping malls, in our schools!


The news media has done a great job of informing us of all these hazards.  They continue to report, as their civic duty, the constant threat of Bio-Terrorism.  NOT!!


The only thing they have done, and continue to do, is perpetuate panic and fear in typical “knee jerk” fashion, by interpreting information not based on facts.  In their continual lust for “ratings” they try to be the first to report any apparent adverse events before another colleague does, adding insinuation and innuendos.  Hence, we are a Nation gripped in fear.


My father used to work in the Pentagon.  My wife’s father used to work in the World Trade Center.  My wife and I have both been in the World Trade Center.  On September 11, 2001, we watched in a numbing state of disbelief as these great symbols of our way of life crumbled.


For the next couple of days I was in a sort of trance.


Fear gripped my very being and I could feel my muscles tighten in my neck, shoulders, chest and back.  It became hard to breathe and I developed a splitting headache.


I wanted to lash out and attack someone or something.  But who or what?  It was a strange experience.  Everyone started saying that this was a wakeup call.  Because of our very quality of life and the freedom that we enjoy, we had become complacent and let our guard down.


Understanding that within Section 8 of the United States Constitution, the “Congress shall have Power to… provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States, but precious few other charges.  I became even madder when I realized how childish our politicians bicker over nothingness that results in spending trillions of tax dollars on everything but the number one responsibility that they have.


Bottom line – they have failed miserably!


Yea, I was hopping mad.  I wasn’t afraid any more.  I was downright pissed.  I was mad at bin Laden, mad at the terrorists, mad at the politicians, mad at the airport security and I just wanted to whack somebody!


The only problem was – there was nobody to whack.  I still had the ache in my heart, the pain in my body, the knots in my muscles and this stabbing, pounding headache.


A very dear friend noticed my state and convinced me to go to a special doctor.  I did go and he virtually wiped out and eliminated all the stress that was building up as a result of what I was experiencing.  (More about that later.)


Then the Bio-Terrorism hit.  There were Anthrax scares all over the place.  A few people died.  Many more have become infected but are expected to live.  Everybody started buying up antibiotics and taking them as a preventative measure, or stashing it away just in case.  And the fear is like an out of control snowball rolling down the hill.  Nobody can stop it and it just keeps getting bigger and crushing everything in its path.


That’s when a little sanity came to me.  I started to do some research to find out how I could protect my family and myself.  A great sense of calm now permeates my being.  When you face the fear and learn the facts, sanity steps forth and everything gets more comfortable.  You can once again begin to live your life.  What I learned, I will share with you in this report.  Understand it, and it can bring you peace.  Act on it, and it can give you protection in the midst of all the chaos and fear that surrounds you.


BIOTERRORISM:  An Invisible Arsenal


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention located in Atlanta, Georgia, there are six (6) diseases that are of concern with a threat of Bioterrorism.   They are Smallpox, Anthrax, Plague, Botulism toxin, Tularemia and Hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola. While all of these can cause death and much pain, and you rightfully need to be concerned, a quick overview of these is of utmost benefit if we are to move through our fear.



Background; It killed more than 500 million people in the 20th century before being “eradicated” in 1977.  Early symptoms; About 12 days, fever, headache and nausea.  Disease; Chickenpox like rash transform into hard blisters.  Highly contagious, smallpox kills one-third of its victims.  Treatment or Prevention; No cure.


Anthrax:  (Inhaled)   

Background Experts estimate that 8,000 to 10,000 spores taken into the lungs can cause inhaled anthrax.  Early symptoms; Two to ten days, or as long as seven weeks, flu like symptoms.  Disease;  Within one to three days, shock and breathing problems cause death for close to 100 percent. It is not contagious.  Treatment or prevention; If given early enough, antibiotics can prevent exposed people from falling sick.


Anthrax:  (Cutaneous)

Background; Skin contact, bacterial spores land on a scratch or other broken skin.  Mainly a disease of grazing animals – most susceptible are ranchers, hide workers and veterinarians.  Early symptoms; It starts with a painless blister that is red around the edges.  Disease; A day or two later becomes a black open sore that dries up to leave a black scab, which falls off after a week or two.  Treatment or prevention; Antibiotics offers a 100% cure rate.  If left untreated, the sore usually clears up on its own.  About 5% of the untreated cases can become highly lethal bloodstream infections.



Background; Between 1980 and 1994, 18,739 cases of history’s most feared contagious disease were reported in 20 countries.  Early symptoms; Symptoms within one to six days after inhaling the pneumonic form.  Disease; High fever, cough and labored breathing lead to respiratory failure and death.  It is contagious.  Treatment or prevention; Rapid use of antibiotics can be effective.


Botulism toxin:

Background; The single most poisonous substance known is typically food borne.  Early symptoms; 24 to 36 hours, blurred vision and difficulty swallowing and speaking.  Disease; The nerve toxin paralyzes muscles, leading to respiratory failure and death.  Treatment or prevention; The CDC maintains the botulism anti-toxin supply.



Background; The United States studied this infectious organism as a weapon in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  Early symptoms; Three to five days, fever, chills, headache, weakness.  Disease; Resulting inflammation and hemorrhaging of the airways can lead to death.  Treatment or prevention; Without antibiotics, one-third die.  A vaccine is under review by the Food and Drug Administration.


Hemorrhagic fevers, such as Ebola:

Background; The origin is unknown but is probably transmitted to humans by animals.  Early symptoms; Three to five days, fever, muscle aches, diarrhea.  Disease; Hemorrhaging of fluids out of tissues and orifices.   30 to 90 percent of victims die.  Treatment or prevention; Some diseases respond to antiviral drugs, but these are in short supply.


WOW!  It sure sounds scary to me.  The news media sure does its part to keep this stuff in front of us.  Do we need to be scared?  Or do we need to be cautious and learn how to protect ourselves?


Are gas masks the answer?  Well, by the time you are aware you have been gassed, you are already infected.  You can’t very well go through life wearing a gas mask all the time.


Maybe we should all take antibiotics on a daily basis as a preventative measure.  Maybe we should all get every vaccination available to prevent us from getting these horrible diseases!  But all the experts say that mass vaccination is not the answer.  In fact, they say it will cause more problems, death and destruction than if we don’t vaccinate!


Dr. D. A. Henderson, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, who headed the global smallpox eradication campaign, is more than dubious about mass vaccination.  The answer is definitely no,” says Henderson.  Two years ago he led a committee of government and academic specialists who rejected the idea of vaccination, and that conclusion still stands.  The main reason is the vaccines safety, (or lack thereof).


Where is the sanity?


Did you see what I saw in all of the above diseases?  Not everybody dies!  That’s right!  None of these diseases have a 100% fatality rate.  So, what does that mean?


What it means is that even people who remain totally untreated, have survived even the worst of these diseases.  Forget the gas masks, antibiotics, anti-viral, and the vaccinations – I want to know why the people who survived with none of these things, well - survived.


Call me simple but there is one thing that is and has always been true – healthy people don’t get sick.  Not only that, but healthy people always have the best survival rates.  Always!!


It all hinges on one thing – the strength of the immune system.  You have seen this all of your life.  You get a cold but nobody else does.  Or, everybody gets the flu, except you.  Why?


The Strength Of The Immune System!!


Strong immune systems protect the body from all sorts of ills.  The key to all of this boils down to one thing – the immune system.  You are either doing things to build up and strengthen your immune system, or you are not.  You are either doing things to weaken your immune system, or you are not.


It truly is that simple.


“But wait, it can’t really be that simple.  Smallpox was wiped out because of the smallpox vaccine.  Polio was wiped out because of the polio vaccine.  Vaccines prevent disease and we need them.  Don’t they build up and strengthen the immune system?”


This is what I found out.  That’s what I thought.


The theory of vaccines is this: inject a little bit of bacteria, toxin, virus, poison, whatever, into the body and that stimulates the immune system to create antibodies to kill the ensuing disease.  Once exposed, the body has the ability to fight off the disease at a later time.


“It’s a good theory but I want to know if it really works.  For some reason I just won’t feel comfortable getting a shot of AIDS or Anthrax!”


So how does our immune system work?


An antigen (or germ) enters the body.  The body becomes aware that this germ is not part of the body and is bad and the body creates an antibody.  It’s really no more difficult than that.  But there is one catch – there are two very different and distinct ways that this can happen.  One way is called Natural Exposure and the other is Crisis Exposure.


Natural Exposure is best.


Natural exposure happens when the germ enters the body by way of the mucous membranes.  That is, when you swallow or inhale the germ.  It takes time for the germ to travel through the “sticky substance” of the mucous membranes, which gives the body plenty of time to totally analyze the germ and create a very powerful antibody.  Everyone knows that when a person acquires measles through Natural Exposure, they have lifelong immunity to measles.





Crisis Exposure is an effective backup.


Crisis Exposure is when the germ enters the body through a cut or scratch in the skin.  The body is not afforded the same luxury of time to develop an antibody with the same strength and effectiveness as it does through Natural Exposure.  Hence, the immune response develops a weaker antibody.  Vaccination develops antibodies under the crisis method.  Everyone knows that vaccinations do not illicit lifelong immunity. 


You must constantly get booster shots if you hope to maintain some sort of immune response in regards to the germ that you hope to get immunity from.  It quite simply is not as effective.




But that’s not the worst of it.  There is a little known, or “hidden” law in immunology called, “Antigen-Antibody Specificity”.


This is the single most powerful aspect of the immune system, which always seems to be overlooked.  When you understand this simple law, it will set you free and scare the living daylights out of you at the same time.  This is what it means:  Once the body develops an immune response to a specific antigen - that is the only antibody that can be used throughout the life of that individual!


WHOA!  Did you get that?  Read it again and again until you not only get it but fully understand it.  This is powerful and scary stuff.


What it means is this.  If your first encounter with an antigen (or germ) is through Natural Exposure, you will build the strongest antibody possible AND THAT IS THE ONLY ANTIBODY YOU WILL EVER USE TO FIGHT THAT GERM FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!


On the other hand, if you first encounter the germ through Crisis Exposure, you will only build a weaker antibody.  But here’s the deadly truth – THAT IS THE ONLY ANTIBODY YOU WILL EVER USE TO FIGHT THAT GERM FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!


Please understand, vaccinations are injected directly into the body and therefore bypass the body’s first line of defense.  It is through Crisis Exposure.  Every vaccination you have ever had, and will ever have in the future, can only confer an inferior immune response.


Why would anyone build a house on a bed of quicksand?  Or build a glass house in tornado alley?  And yet, that is exactly what happens every time you get a vaccination of any kind.  Whether it is smallpox, polio, measles, anthrax, whatever.  With each and every shot, you build an immune system that just gets weaker and weaker!


Whoa.  Now wait just a darn minute.  Smallpox was eradicated because of the smallpox vaccine.  And polio was wiped out because of the polio vaccine.


This is what I found out.  That’s what I thought.


Both smallpox and polio had decreased by 90% in the 100 years prior to the vaccinations.  In fact, Polio had been affecting 45,000 to 50,000 people per year in the early to mid 1800’s.  It was only affecting 5,000 people per year in the 1940’s.  That is still an unacceptable large number of people but get this:  The smallpox vaccine came out in the 40’s and Polio skyrocketed to close to 50,000 per year.  Coincidence or causal relationship?


Polio began its decline again to the pre-smallpox vaccine era.  Then, during 1954 and 1955 when the Polio vaccine was introduced – Polio again skyrocketed - more than doubling the annual number of cases!


I couldn’t believe it!  But it didn’t stop there.  In an effort to continue support for the vaccination program, the parameters for a diagnosis of Polio were changed.  You see, if an individual had certain symptoms that lasted for three days, they were diagnosed with Polio.  Most people however, got better in a couple of weeks, so the new criteria was now to have the symptoms for 30 days before a diagnosis of Polio could be given!


That instantly gave the “illusion” in statistical record keeping that the vaccine was working.  Even Jonas Salk is quoted as saying that the polio vaccine was, “the principle if not sole cause of [all] polio cases reported in the U.S. since 1961”.


I couldn’t believe it.  I started pulling out medical journals, papers, studies and reports.  In fact, I reviewed 1,700 different studies and what I found was not important, it’s what I didn’t find that is.  Not one single solitary study showed that the vaccine theory was safe or effective!  We have been duped by a pharmaceutical industry selling a package of ill health!

Don’t take my word for it.  Try to prove me wrong. Look up the studies for yourself.  Don’t listen to everybody’s opinion learn the facts for yourself.


Dr. Vierra Scheibner, medical researcher, did the same thing I did.  But she didn’t stop at 1,700 medical studies.  She reviewed over sixty thousand.  That’s 60,000 medical research studies and guess how many she found that supported the safety and efficacy of the vaccination program.  That’s right – not a single one!


Military personal are being court martialed for refusing to get the Anthrax vaccine.  They have seen what happens to their fellow officers that have received the vaccine.  Why would an officer in the Air Force face jail time and a dishonorable discharge from a distinguished career?  They know and have seen things that you don’t know and haven’t seen.  They are not stupid.


It Is Not Hopeless!


Hopefully this has been a wakeup call for you.  It was meant to serve as a good slap in the face if you will.  If you think the government is going to protect you, you are sadly mistaken.  If you think that some miracle vaccine is going to protect you, you are sadly mistaken.  If you think that some miracle drug is going to protect you, you are sadly mistaken.


Healthy Bodies Don’t Get Sick!


Only you can protect yourself.  Do you think that all the people constantly running to the doctor to get drugs is the answer?  The miracle drugs that we have today work very well – if you have a strong immune system!  People who constantly take drugs are constantly sick.  Think about it.


Everybody knows that the overutilization of antibiotics has created “Superbugs”.  The medical profession is in a tizzy as to what to do about this because the drugs they have used for years are no longer working.


Everything you do that compromises the strength and effectiveness of your immune system, brings you one step closer to not being able to survive any potential health threat that you may face in your life.


It is up to you.  Only you can build a strong immune response within your body.  There are two things you need to do.

1.     Stop doing those things that weaken your immune system.


2.     Start doing those things that strengthen your immune system.


It’s as simple as that and only you can do it.


A Special Kind Of Doctor.


Remember that doctor I told you about?  This special kind of doctor was at ground zero in New York everyday after the attacks.  This special kind of doctor was also at the Pentagon caring for the injured and all the rescue workers.  These rescue workers who were cared for included military personnel of all ranks and from all services, law enforcement, fire and rescue units on duty and other volunteers working with the Red Cross and Salvation Army.


In less than 10 days time, these doctors cared for more than 1,400 patients and many of those people had returned for additional care.


You see.  Stress is the single worst culprit to an effective immune system.  Stress can have an immediate negative effect on the immune system that is greater than a life long habit of smoking packs of cigarettes daily.  Stress is a big killer and these rescue workers needed a doctor who could immediately alleviate and reduce the effects of stress on their bodies.


When I went to this special doctor he asked me what I thought was wrong with me.


“What?  You’re the doctor!”  He simply smiled and repeated his question.  I said I was all tied up in knots and I felt like my nerves were shot.  He said that was exactly right, that my nervous system was over loaded and not functioning properly.


He explained that my nervous system controls everything that my body does.  It controls my blood pressure, my digestion, my breathing – my very ability to relax and feel comfortable.  There are three things that negatively impact the nervous system - physical, chemical and emotional stresses.  September 11, (911), was not only a wake up call for our nation, but for me and for each and every one of us individually.


He said, “Let’s get some tests and see just how stressed and shut down your nervous system really is.”


The simple, painless computerized test was immediately visible on the computer monitor.  “If the nervous system is functioning fine without excessive stress, what you see on the screen should be white.”  My jaw dropped to the floor as the screen was lit up like a Christmas tree!


I was truly amazed.  Instantly I started to feel better.  He explained his treatment and then gave me an adjustment.


I asked him why, as a chiropractor, he didn’t talk about my back and neck pain but instead just talked about my nervous system.  He explained that some chiropractors are limited scope practitioners’ and choose to limit their practice to neck and back pain.  He and his wife are full spectrum chiropractors that are not only interested in the reason that I came in to see them but more importantly, in my general overall health and well-being and the general health of my family.


I have had a few treatments now and I am a changed man.  I brought my wife and kids to see if they had a ‘Christmas tree” as bad as mine.  (Thankfully they didn’t, but they are also under care now and can also tell a difference.)


The best thing you can do immediately to reduce stress in your body is hook up with one of these doctors.  This special doctor is a chiropractor.  The only licensed doctor capable of helping to reduce the negative effects of stress on your nervous system


People are under so much stress that they are eating drugs like candy to help them feel better emotionally.  The only problem is:  Every pill they pop, they weaken their immune system.  So, if they ever were to come in contact with any of the Bioterroristic threats, they will have less of a chance of survival.


Chiropractors have no negative side effects and the relief of stress can be felt immediately.  Not only that, but scientific studies show that regular chiropractic care increases the effectiveness of the immune response.  The testimonials of regular chiropractic patients are astounding – they just don’t get sick like they used to!


When you go, ask about a wellness plan.  Simple relief care or care to help you feel better will not help to build a strong immune system and it will cost more in the long run.  Go for a wellness plan.


Build A Strong Immune System – Go To A Chiropractor!


The second thing you need to do immediately is get good nutrition.  No, I’m not just talking about not eating all the junk foods and eating only organically grown foods.  I’m talking about getting the supplementation that you need on a daily basis and can’t get from even the best of foods.  If you don’t get these nutritional factors, your body will never experience the strongest immune system that is absolutely necessary in today’s world!


Minerals are a key element for the proper functioning of the body.  Not just calcium.  While calcium is extremely important, without a proportional amount of Boron and Magnesium, the Calcium won’t be properly absorbed or utilized.  Most of us get enough calcium for the foods we eat, magnesium is what we are most deficient in.  The most effective and efficient magnesium is powered and is called Natural Calm.  Most health food stores have this and you can also get it at Costco.

 Redox-Signaling molecules, arguably the most powerful supplement available, should become a part of your daily supplemental regimen.  Interesting, when we are young our body makes a copious amount of these molecules that many refer to as the fountain of youth. When our teenage years are reached, our body begins to produce fewer of these amazing signaling molecules and the aging process and the weakening of our immune system begins.  Nothing in your body, cells, tissues, organs, and systems, can work without these signaling molecules.  Another absolute necessity for a strong and healthy immune system.  You can get more information HERE.

 Systemic Enzymes, not to be confused with digestive enzymes, are enzymes that are found inside your body and support the functioning of all your systems.  You may have heard of heart enzymes, liver enzymes, etc.  Your organ systems need enzymes to work efficiently and build strong immune responses.  Vitamins are co-enzymes meaning they work only in the presence of enzymes.  Ever wonder why some people can take a particular vitamin and get great health benefits while others don’t get those same results?   Just like the signaling molecules, when we reach our mid to upper 20’s, our body begins to produce fewer and fewer of these enzymes, again advancing the aging process.  You can get more information HERE as well as request where and how to get the absolute best systemic enzymes.




  The choice is yours…


You can continue to live in fear.

You can act like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

Or, you can take responsibility for your life and health and do those things necessary to build a strong immune system  (If you don’t choose, then you have chosen – not to be well and healthy).


First thing to do: Avoid stepping on land mines.  --- Don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t do drugs, don’t take drugs, avoid going to doctors.  (Doctors can be really great if you need them but, if you really are healthy, they will only make you sicker).


Second thing to do: Immediately find a chiropractor that offers some kind of wellness plan.  Follow the recommendations and continue for wellness.


Third thing to do: Seek out the best source of nutritional supplementation at an affordable price.  Get these products and take them on a daily basis.


Do not stop taking the nutritional supplementation and do not stop seeing the chiropractor.  You will not waste your money with this plan and your immune system will continue to grow stronger every day.


If you have questions about nutritional supplementation, most chiropractors are fairly knowledgeable in this area and will be able to help.  If you need help finding a chiropractor, call me or drop me a note, I will be glad to help in anyway that I can.   

Wealth & Health Empowerment Network (WHEN)                        

PMB-314, 1353 Riverstone Parkway, Suite 120, Canton, Georgia 30114           1-770-366-7724